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Burger King Super Bowl 2019


What if I told you that it wasn't Andy Warhol in the Burger King's latest Super Bowl ad campaign?

Art Director/ Producer: Shinyee Seet
Director: Justin Leyba
Talent: Jonathan Anakgalan


Back story:

I made eye contact with Andy Warhol one day as I was walking down Broadway in Times Square.  

I don’t know about you but I wanted to ask him what he was doing on the billboard ad for Burger King’s latest Super Bowl campaign.
I also raised my eyebrow when I saw the TV commercial. 


Is Burger King trying to be artsy now? Oh, they think they are high-brow now? 


In short, this is a far cry from the brand’s usual identity that we all love–provocative, weird and attention catching. Knowing our old friend, what if this whole thing was a scheme or a prank? What if Burger King was pulling our legs and tricking us into believing that they were going off-brand so we would start conversations like this (for free PR). So, my friend and I decided to create this video to give the disappointed audience what they want- a plot twist, in hopes that Burger King could remain weird in our hearts.

For reference:

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